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Organization of festive events requiring interpretation

Organization of festive events requiring interpretation

Organization of festive events requiring interpretation

It is not a secret that organization of festive events is, by definition, a quite difficult task - it implies a significantly high level of responsibility and the need to use certain technical means to meet the customer's requirements. However, this becomes even more difficult when such an event requires consecutive interpretation or work of a simultaneous interpreter.

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the future of offline events

When do we expect offline events to return

the future of offline events

It's no secret that the pandemic that broke out this year brought a number of very serious adjustments to the plans of all business projects and commercial companies, and, of course, those who organized events were no exception. Moreover, they were the ones who suffered in a way even more than the others, since their activity assumes gathering of a large crowd of people, which is not possible during a global pandemic.

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#WeMakeEvents приходят в Беларусь, чтобы способствовать организации мероприятий

Кампания #WeMakeEvents, изначально запущенная PLASA по просьбам ее участников, направлена на повышение осведомленности о нынешнем тяжелом положении сектора живых мероприятий и о том, как ему срочно нужна финансовая поддержка, чтобы пережить кризис Covid-19. Организация мероприятий является основной целью кампании, и первой ласточкой был коллективный День действий 11 августа с творческими выступлениями по всему миру, в том числе Респблике Беларусь.

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